Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Review Warkop Modjok (Warung Kopi Modjok)

    Libur telah tiba libur telah tiba... Horee .. hore hore horeeee.... akhirnya dapet liburan juga setelah beres Uas haha. Btw gue minggu ini piknik bareng Eonni ku haha, awalnya sih kita baru wacana di chat terus bilang “hayu piknik, dah libur nih!” “HYUNG PIKNIK” “Hyung besok ikut yu bareng tmen tmen ane ke warung modjok” gue heran dong warung modjok? Baru dnger, yaudah gue cari san sini taunya emang itu tempat ada pertengahan desember 2015 dan waktu liat di instagram ternyata emang banyak banget yang udah kesana  tempatnya ok kalo di liat dari gambar, nah sekarang gue mau bikin review yang udah gue datengin tuh tempat hahaha.

Warung Modjok
Warung Kopi Modjok baca dari orang sebelah katanya baru dibuka pertengahan Desember 2015, dan lokasinya di Perumahan Pondok Hijau Indah Jl. Pinus kev. 75....
Diliat dari luar tempatnya lumayan, cozy  dan kayaknya pingir pinggrinya masih dibangun deh jadi belum terlalu dapet view seluruhnya/?

Pertama kita masuk ada gate dari kayu gitu warna putih kayak di dongeng dongeng gituu.
Waktu nyampe di pintu masuknya susah banget buat cari tempat kosong, jadi kalo kamu datang kesini harus cepet cepet cari tempat duduk yang nyaman dan dapet viewnya buat spot take a selca hahaha
Gue dapet tempat di ujung yang deket pager meskipun di pojok gue ngg a merasa terpojok kok hahaha

Buat order makanan atau minumannya ngga ada menu yang kayak kertas terus dilaminating jadi kita mesti nyamperin kedalem guys buat order apanya. Buat harga sih lumayan ya, kalo menurut aku kalo kamu punya lagi ada duit itu lumayan murah tapi kalo kayak aku yang notabenenya perhitungan segitu sih agak mahal, mahal atau engga nya tergantung kamu yaa~~

Menu Warung Modjok
Karena pengunjung nya penuh jadi pelanggan yang mau order harus nunggu 15 menit buat order karena penuhnya orderan, maklum sih emang bener penuh banget.
Stelah penantian panjang 15 menit *lebay* finally we could order haha. Karena aku dan eonni ku Kpop addict ada menu bertuliskan “...Soju” you know lah soju haha jadinya aku pesen roker Soju dan Laba Laba cantik, Eonni ku sama Roker Soju dan Kentang, Tewi Arabica coffe dan Tahu pedas, Widi Lemon tea dan Tahu pedas dan itu bayar ditempat.
Kita (re:Eonni and I) tertipu haha, dikira Roker Soju itu soju yang dikorea korea sana dan ternyataaaaa itu adalah ..........

Terlalu kepinginnya aku mencoba soju dan akhirnya begini haha,
-Buat roker sojunya sih roti bakar dalemnya ada meses gitu, dan topingnya keju ditaburi meses lagi enak cuman karena ngga dapet pisau dan dikasihnya garpu doang kurang menikmati makannyaaa ya jadiii, karena laba laba cantik tak kunjung datang akhirnya aku take home aja ke mas masnya.
- Kentang nya, sama kayak kenang biasa sih digoreng gituuu dan dikasih sauce
- tahu pedas nya, tahu pake tepung gitu terus digoreng dan ada cabe cabe nya
- buat laba laba cantiknya, bala bala biasa dikasih sauce gitu tapi bukan sauce yang warna merah dikasih cabai, sauce warna krem gitu aku ngga nyoba sih jadi....

Okeyyy, itulah review sedikit tentang Warung Kopi Modjok.
Overall sih bagus dari segi tempatnya, bagus buat foto foto, tapi buat buat pelayanannya waiting list banget sampe ada ibu ibu yang marah gara gara pesenannya lama bangett, ada dua pelayan dan mereka unfriendly sih menurutku ngga notice pengunjung yang ngga kebagian tempat duduk.
Kentang cantik
Saran dari aku sih kalo mau dateng ke Warung Modjok jangan weekend bakal penuh, susah cari tempat duduk, dan kalo kalian yang hobi selfie/selca ngga nyaman bakal banyak orang dan ngantree hihi
Tahu pedas

Roker Soju
Arabian Coffe

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

WHALE 52 - Kamu bukanlah orang yang kesepian

Baru kesampaian hari ini buat bikin blog tentang album BTS - HYYW pt.2 kalo bukan karena tugas mungkin ngga akan gue publish hahah. Track favorite gue di album ini adalah Whalien 52, 뱁새, sama Butterfly. Kali ini  gue ngga akan bahas trans lagu nya, tapi gua bahas pelajaran yang gue dapet dari lagu whalien 52. Btw udah pada denger tentang 'lonely whale'?
Lonely Whale 52

Lonely whale ini adalah ikan paus penyendiri yang selalu berenang sendirian (ikan paus biasanya punya grup). Paus ini belum diketahui spesiesnya karena memiliki frekuensi suara yang tinggi yaitu 52 hertz (umumnya ikan paus bersuara dengan frekuensi 10-39 hertz). Karena perbedaan frekuensi ini, paus lain tidak bisa mendengar suara si lonely whale, sehingga ia tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan paus lainnya dan itu yang menyebabkan ia selalu sendirian. Suara lonely whale ini pertama kali terlacak pada tahun 1989 di sekitar Samudera Pasifik. Bahkan hingga tahun 2004, suara paus ini masih sering terlacak oleh peralatan angkatan laut US, Hingga selanjutnya US Army Corps of Engineer masih terus berusaha untuk menemukan keberadaan paus ini.
nah lagu Whalien 52 ini pun ada latar belakangnya Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa 'Whalien 52' berasal dari kata Whale + alien + 52 hertz, yang berarti ikan paus yang berbeda dari paus lainnya. paus dengan suara yang tidak didengar atau dipahami, dan bahkan keberadaannya tidak disadari, seperti alien bagi ikan paus lainnya.
spechless mau bikin blog ini,hampir mau nangis karena baca artikel tentang 'whale 52' ini. Banyak banget baca tentang artikel 'Whale 52' ini sampe nyari suara dia manggil temen-temennya cuma 8 detik, Klik disini (a blue whale calling)

dari lagu 'Whalien 52' gue bisa ambil banyak banget hikmah yang di dapet. Pertama, gue harus lakuin apa yang gue suka dan gue mau ngga peduli orang mau denger 'hertz' gue atau engga sama kayak dilirik yang suga nyanyiin "The fact that no matter how much they shout, it won’t reach". Kedua, mungkin ini ngga masuk akal tapi gue dapet pelajaran dari baca artikel-artikel yang gue baca tentang 'whale 52' ini yang sampe gue nangis bacanya, gue mikir "Alhamdulillah, meskipun gue cuma punya sahabat dan temen temen yang masih bisa di itung jari masih ada yang terima gue apa adanya dalam keadaan gue kayak gini" kalo tiap kali lu ngomong "kasian gue kesepian ngga punya temen sama sekali" lu ngomong kayak gitu saat lu lagi ada maaslah dan lu ngga berani ceritain maslah lu ke temen lu dan lu pingin temen lu ngertiin lu kalo lu lagi punya maslah, kadang gue mikir "whale 52" adalah makhluk paling kesepian didunia ini dan gue masih ngga bersyukur?!. Ketiga, meskipun ngga ada yang denger 'hertz' gue, gue ttep harus jalanin kehidupan yang gue jalanin. Keempat, jangan pernah ngerasa kesepian karena ngga ada orang atau temen gue yang ngga denger masalah gue. Kenapa? kalo gue emang bener ngga punya temen, ngga mungkin gue bisa nanya ini itu ke orang lain, ikut kegiatan yang banyak orangnya yang mengharuskan gue berinteraksi sama stranger.
Whale 52

Masih banyak banget yang ingin ditulis tentang Whalien 52 ini, kkk~ berhubung my quality time is over so, i've finished my blog kkk~
terima kasih yang udah mau baca ocehan gue yang rada rada ini. See you next time~

cr :

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Review Movie "The Croods"


                                      The Croods   
The Croods is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It features the voices of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, and Cloris Leachman. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as The Croodaceous (a period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures) when a caveman's position as a "Leader of the Hunt" is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home.
Eep is a cave girl living in the harsh environment of the stone age with her overprotective father Grug, her kind mother Ugga, her grandmother Gran and her younger siblings Thunk and Sandy. The only family around after their neighbors met unfortunate ends, Eep lives a sheltered life protected by her father until one night she sees a light outside of the cave. Defying Grug's rule about going out after dark she follows it and meets an inventive idealist named Guy and his pet sloth Belt who introduces Eep to fire and explains that he is escaping what he calls "The End" saying that a great cataclysm is coming that could destroy Eep and her family. She refuses to go with him, but he gives her a shell to use as a horn if she needed him. Grug, looking for Eep eventually finds her and grounds her for breaking the rules. On their way back to the cave, a tremendous earthquake causes its destruction, revealing a tropical wilderness behind it. They are forced to escape into it when a predator attacks them, and Grug seeks out to find the family a new cave to live in.
Upon encountering a feline "Macawnivore" dubbed "Chunky the Death Cat" by Gran, and pirahnakeets that send even him running after they ate a Ground Whale, Eep calls for help with a horn like the shell that Guy gave her. He comes and saves them by using a torch to dissuade the piranhakeets from attacking them. After a chaotic first encounter with fire, Eep's family realizes Guy's value at their survival and Grug bottles him to guide them toward the mountain he is seeking refuge at. After another of Grug's morale-lowering stories reflecting the day's events, Guy tells his own story of a safe paradise dubbed "Tomorrow". After introducing the family to shoes to get over sharp terrain, Grug begins to get jealous of Guy's inventions and ideas, and when they become separated in a labyrinth of tunnels, the family excluding Grug find their own means of escaping. After his family stays in a treetop home of Guy's Grug tries to come up with several of his own ideas, such as a rug dubbed because it rhymes with Grug, sunglasses made from planks of wood. But each of these ideas fail, embarrassing Grug even further as his family decides to go with Guy to "Tomorrow".
At the mountain, Grug attacks Guy when the others refuse to join him in a cave where he wants to settle. The tussle gets the two of them caught in a tar pit and Guy reveals his family died in one. Grug realizes his mistakes and the two make amends before tricking Chunky into freeing them by pretending to be a female Macawnivore in distress. Fleeing to the peak of the mountain, they are cut off from "Tomorrow" by an explosion, but Grug decides that his family is safer following the sun and throws them across, sharing a brief invention he calls a "hug" with Eep. Cut off from his family from the destruction, Grug seeks shelter in a cave and encounters Chunky who cuddles up to Grug for protection. Grug gets his first good idea and fashions an airship out of a skeleton and using the pirahna-birds as a means to fly across the chasm with Thunk's dog-crocodile Douglas, and several animals they'd encountered in their journey. Reuniting with his family and narrowly avoiding destruction they share a hug together and Grug gains a new perspective on life and stops being so overprotective.
Later, the Croods now live on the land and have settled on a vast beach where every day they can follow the light to "Tomorrow."
The Croods has  a great movie with a contrast of excitement, worry, happiness, sadness, and most of all action! The film's primary message -- which gets spelled out bluntly and often -- is that fear of change is bad; success means seeking new ways of thinking (or thinking for the first time, as only one character in the film ever actually has called on his brain before). You can read this several ways, one of which is as an inspiration for kids to try new things, be open to change and to be bold in the face of scary situations. This movie tell us about father fighting anything and everything for his family no matter what happens, and made usa realize aout father always give way to his children altough our father’s can’t get anything. In this movie i like quote from Guy “Tomorrow it’s a place with more suns in the sky than you can count, a place not like today or yesterday, a place where things are better.” And “ You may go anywhere you want.”

Cast     :
  Nicolas Cage as Grug Crood, a caveman who is the well-meaning but overprotective and old-fashioned patriarch of the Croods family
  Emma Stone as Eep Crood, a rebellious teenage cavegirl who is Grug and Ugga's eldest daughter and is filled with curiosity and a desire for exploring and wonder.
  Ryan Reynolds as Guy, a nomadic caveboy who is not as strong as the Croods, but prefers using his brain and comes up with various ideas and inventions. He is accompanied by a sloth named Belt.
  Catherine Keener as Ugga Crood, a cavewoman who is Grug's wife, the daughter of Gran, and the mother of Eep, Thunk, and Sandy. She is more open-minded than Grug, but also finds it difficult to keep her family safe.
  Clark Duke as Thunk Crood, a caveboy who is Grug and Ugga's son. Thunk is the 9-year-old middle child, who is not bright and has bad coordination but has a good heart. He gets a crocopup named Douglas for a pet.
  Cloris Leachman as Gran, an old and ferocious cavewoman who is the mother-in-law of Grug, the mother of Ugga, and the grandmother of Eep, Thunk, and Sandy.
  Chris Sanders as Belt, Guy's pet sloth.
  Randy Thom as Sandy Crood,
Editor by         : Darren Holmes, A.C.E
Soundtrack by : Yuna and Owl City – Shine Your Way
Produced by    : Kristine, Belson, Jane, and Hartwell.
Story by          : John Cleese, Kirk Demicco, Chris Sarders.

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Lirik Lagu BTS (방탄소년단) - The Stars.


{Suga} Ikura hashiritsuduke te mo ranningumashīn

Mitai kawara nai keshiki ha onaji machi

Ikura shinken ni natte mo shinken ni naru hodo ni

Haguruma ga makimodoshi sekashidasu

But, ever never give up jinsei ha dekai shīsō

Agari sagari ha atarimae no sekai mo

Itsunomanika te ga kusari ni tsunagareru

Tamani eikou aru kedo mata fusagareru

Can you feel this life? Nara, akirame n na yo

Yume no tame ni hikaru ashita mezaso u

Kujike sou na toki datte muimi ja nai

Ima ha biri de mo yume nara biri ja nai

Dakara never give up kangaesugiru na mou

Miteru dake ja tsukame nai sa biggu na shō

Sono mune shidai sa yume to, kuru mirai no seikou

Sono toki made tomara zu ni mata let it go!

{Jimin} Donna toki datte, sou!

Donna koto atte mo

Miagere ba

Uh hikaru hoshi ga

{Jimin} So, we’ll be alright

Be alright

Be alright

Ano kagayaku hoshi no you ni

Hikari hanatsu no sa kie nu you ni

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Kasanaru moon light

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Takanaru good night

{V} All night long

All night long

All night all night

All night long

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Kasanaru moon light

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Takanaru good night

{V} All night long

All night long

All night all night

All night long

{All} Hold up!

{J-Hope} Nageru na saji ha

Sono inochi ha omou yori mo kachi ga

Aru no sa mou chiisana ichi ho de hajimaru

Nanoni naze ibara no michi he to machigau? Huh

Iya na koto mo sore ha aru sa tamani

But mina to ire ba marude hāmonī

Kakomare te iku sa

Kozotte atatakai te, mune to kibou de

Dakishimerareru hazu kokoro made mo shikkari

Mata tokeaidashi majiwari that’s rihgt chou maemuki mind

Ni kawaru kara mou ki ni shi nai (no wait)

Life’s a game tanoshimu jikan (go play)

We ride (go way) we aight (okay)

Nukedashi jibun no mirai (go straight)

Ima, kokoro de butsukero ishi no dangan

Sekai ni muke powpow! Like a shot gun!

{Jin} Donna toki datte, sou!

Donna koto atte mo

Miagere ba

Uh hikaru hoshi ga

{Jin} So, we’ll be alright

Be alright

Be alright

Ano kagayaku hoshi no you ni

Hikari hanatsu no sa kie nu you ni

{Rap Monster} We wanna get money, we wanna get the fame

We wanna get errthing, but we still feel the same

Shiawase tte mon ha doko mukatte ku?

Igaito doko de demo atte

Kokoro no naka ya 1 nichi o oeru bīru no naka

Aru no sa soredake ha kin ja kae nai sa

Yume ha furī saizu mezasu hiroi sora o

Mune no naka ha sou! Deka i amanogawa on the flow!

{Jungkook} Donna toki datte, sou!

Donna koto atte mo

Miagere ba

Uh hikaru hoshi ga

{Jungkook} So, we’ll be alright

Be alright

Be alright

Ano kagayaku hoshi no you ni

Hikari hanatsu no sa kie nu you ni

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Kasanaru moon light

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Takanaru good night

{V} All night long

All night long

All night all night

All night long

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Kasanaru moon light

{V} All night long

{Jungkook} Takanaru good night

{V} All night long

All night long

All night all night

All night long

{Jimin} All night long

source by minilyric 